


Doll Title Rounded

What is it about a “Waldorf” doll that makes you want to

give one to your child?


A childhood memory ?

Of cuddling a soft doll when you went to sleep at night…

Of long winter afternoons when you sat your doll at a desk & played “school”…

Of changing your doll’s outfits ten times a day – dreaming up the most amazing clothes for an imagined special event…


What sets these dolls apart from the crowd? Simple.

Each is carefully made – BY HAND.




If you’ve spent even a fraction of a minute searching online for one of these dolls, you know what a challenge it will be to find THE perfect doll. The one that you know will speak to your child.

It would be so wonderful if you could give one as a special gift.

Soft & natural, warm & inviting.

You imagine the time she’d spend dressing her doll, taking her out for walks, talking to her… .


Ohhh & then you start thinking…

What if I made one?

It could look just like my babe, the same colour eyes & hairstyle. I could even make little clothes & accessories from lovely fabrics & yarns.


A few moments later – you might pull yourself up short & think but HOW? .


It’s easier than you think…


It’s no secret why these dolls are so appealing & why they are often linked with the Waldorf way.

Simple beauty is what drew me onto the Waldorf path. The environments in which children learn & live are carefully arranged so that they are pleasing, inspiring & calming. The toys which they play with are chosen with just as much care.

Many are handmade. Like they used to be.

Mothers have been making playthings for their children for centuries. Up until about 150 years ago, a store bought toy was very expensive & considered a great indulgence.

Today, the mother who crafts toys & dolls for her children is a rare one, indeed.


Many mothers will say that they’re short on time, skill or patience.

That may be true.

But the small effort to learn some new skills & the time it takes to complete a project for your child is far outweighed by the delight that shines in her face when you present her with something that you have made with your own hands & heart.


The first stirrings of The DOLL Lessons –

Find out MORE about the course

& how you’re going to make your doll ….HERE


The DOLL Lessons - Handwork Homeschool -